Golden State Sacred

California sacred religion interfaith service culture community golden state.




What is Golden State Sacred?

Golden State Sacred is a pop-up mobile exhibit showcasing the rich religious history of Alta California, especially highlighting the contributions of underrepresented communities and interfaith collaboration. The objects and artifacts come from contributions of faith communities, historic and civic organizations and individuals who have generously donated their time, possessions, and most importantly, their stories.


The history of religion and inter-religious relationship in California is complex. In order to remain authentic to a complicated history, the exhibit highlights religious individuals and communities that have experienced oppression and marginalization and as a result have transformed or adapted. At the same time, we commit to lifting up the stories of triumph and change that under-represented communities have successfully implemented. Though the exhibit seeks to educate and increase religious and interfaith literacy, attendees leave with further questions about religion and interfaith work, especially in regard to California’s unique landscape.


This project serves a deep need for increasing public religious literacy about California. The exhibit deepens knowledge about our religious history, emphasizing how deeply influential religious communities and interfaith efforts have been in changing the cultural and social landscape of California. 




To lift up the stories of individuals and communities under-represented in public history.


To explore and challenge how we think about religion and its intersections with culture, politics, race, gender, popular media, sports, entertainment, activism, service, and others.


To increase public religious literacy about California.


To advocate for marginalized religious groups, especially with representation and dignity.


We tell ourselves stories in order to live.

Joan Didion, Author and Journalist, Californian
